Harnessing Goldenrod Tea Health Benefits: Living to the Fullest

The goldenrod plant, scientifically known as Solidago virgaurea, stands out as a vibrant plant filled with health benefits.

January 10, 2024


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Delving into the fascinating world of goldenrod, we’ll explore its diverse applications, with a special focus on the delightful goldenrod tea. As we review the goldenrod health benefits, learn how to make this nourishing brew, and uncover its versatile uses, you’ll discover why this plant has been highly valued for centuries. 

Goldenrod Tea

What Does Goldenrod Look Like?

Before we plunge into the tea-making process, let’s get acquainted with the goldenrod plant. Goldenrod is a flowering plant, usually found in meadows and fields. The goldenrod plant can be identified by its thin stems and clusters of tiny, golden-yellow flowers. Goldenrod, while often being mistaken for a weed, possesses a wealth of health benefits waiting to be explored.

How to Harvest Goldenrod

Harvesting goldenrod is a simple yet rewarding process. Choose a sunny day, preferably in late summer or early fall when the plant is in full bloom, and grab a pair of garden scissors. Snip the stems just below the flower, ensuring you gather the blossoms at their peak bloom. A keen eye for the vibrant hue of healthy flowers will be your best friend in this venture. 

How to Dry Goldenrod

Preserving goldenrod for future use involves drying the flowers. Arrange the cut stems in small bundles, securing them with a string, and hang them upside down in a well-ventilated area. As the flowers dry they retain their golden hue and when done will be ready to add health and wellness to your life!

How to Make Goldenrod Tea

Now, let’s dive into the heart of our journey – crafting the golden elixir, also known as goldenrod tea. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

Goldenrod Tea Recipe


Fresh goldenrod flowers (about 1 cup)

Hot water (2 cups)

Feel free to increase the amount of ingredients used, but maintain a 1:2 ratio for the flowers to hot water for maximum benefits. Also, if you only have dried goldenrod on hand, skip to step 2. 


  1. Harvest and Dry: Harvest a bunch or two of goldenrod flowers, ensuring they’re at their peak for the best outcome. Dry them following the previously mentioned process.
  2. Infusion: Place the dried goldenrod flowers in a teapot or heat resistant cup. Pour the hot water over the flowers, allowing them to steep for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Strain and Sip: After steeping, strain the tea to remove the flower bits. Your goldenrod tea is now ready to be sipped and savored, filled to the brim with incredible health benefits.

Goldenrod Tea Benefits

Made from the blossoms of the Solidago plant, goldenrod tea has a multitude of benefits that go beyond its delicious taste. Renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, this herbal infusion can help relieve discomfort you may be experiencing from inflammation, providing a natural and soothing remedy.

The tea’s rich antioxidant content can reduce oxidative stress in the body, promoting cellular health and well-being. Studies suggest that goldenrod also has potential immune-boosting effects, increasing the body’s defenses against common ailments. Additionally, goldenrod has diuretic qualities, which can support kidney function by helping with fluid balance and waste elimination. 

Goldenrod Recipes: Beyond the Tea Cup

While goldenrod tea is a wonderful showcase of the plant, exploring goldenrod’s potential reveals a realm of possibilities. Here are a couple goldenrod recipes to elevate your wellness journey.

Goldenrod Honey

Goldenrod honey is a sweet and floral concoction that pairs perfectly with teas, toast, or drizzled over desserts. To make this bright delight, blend fresh goldenrod flowers with raw honey and let the infusion work its magic in a sealed container for a few weeks. The result? A goldenrod-infused honey that not only satisfies the taste buds but also provides a host of health benefits. 

Goldenrod Salve

For topical applications, a goldenrod salve can work wonders. Combine dried goldenrod flowers with coconut oil and beeswax, creating a soothing balm that can be applied to minor skin irritations. This salve, rich in the plant’s natural properties, will be a beneficial go-to in your skincare arsenal.

Is Goldenrod Edible?

One common misconception is whether goldenrod is edible. The answer is a resounding yes! Both the flowers and leaves in goldenrod are edible, adding a mild, slightly sweet flavor to your elixirs. The next time you spot goldenrod, remember that it’s not just a beautiful plant waving in the wind but an impactful inclusion in your herbal medicine repertoire. 

Goldenrod Tea Side Effects

As with any herbal remedy, it’s essential to be aware of potential side effects.While goldenrod tea is generally safe for consumption, some individuals may experience allergies, so it’s advisable to start with a small amount and monitor your body’s response. 

Tincture Uses

Apart from the tea, goldenrod tinctures offer a concentrated form of the plant’s goodness. These extracts can be used in various ways, from adding a few drops to your morning beverage to incorporating them into DIY skincare products.

To make goldenrod tincture, finely chop fresh goldenrod flowers and leaves, place them in a glass jar, cover them with a high-proof alcohol, like vodka, seal the jar, and let it infuse in a cool, dark place for several weeks. For optimal extraction, shake the jar daily. Afterward, strain the liquid and store in a dark glass bottle in a cool, dark place. 

Goldenrod Essential Oil

For aromatherapy enthusiasts, goldenrod essential oil is a fragrant addition to your collection. Known for its calming properties, this oil can be diffused, applied topically, or even added to your bath for a truly therapeutic experience. The method for creating this essential oil requires an in-depth process, so it’s advisable to instead purchase it at a reputable store. 

Wrinkleleaf Goldenrod

Within the Solidago genus, various species exist, each with its own unique characteristics. One such variant is the wrinkleleaf goldenrod, distinguishable by its wrinkled leaves. While sharing many health benefits with its counterparts, this specific species adds a touch of diversity to the goldenrod family.

Goldenrod Goodness

In the world of herbal remedies, goldenrod emerges as a botanical hero, standing tall through centuries of herbal medicine. From the sunny meadows where it grows to the teacup that cradles its delicious contents, the journey of goldenrod is nothing short of a wellness odyssey. 

As you explore the benefits of goldenrod, from its medicinal uses to the art of crafting goldenrod tea, remember that nature’s pharmacy can often hold the key to our well-being. To learn more you can check out our herbal medicine course where we have certified herbalist Brianna Cherniak share her insights.

So, embrace the goldenrod renaissance, sip on the golden elixir, and let the Solidago flower guide you on a path of holistic health and vitality. Cheers to the golden moments that await you in every cup!


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